Hey! Welcome to my story. I am Jordynn, wife to Benjamin and mother to our three girls; Wrenly, Lottie and Maevyn. We had 3 littles in 4.5 years and as if our lives didn’t have enough going on, we decided to add our 4th, very “needy child” which goes by, Every Last Crumb.
I’ve always had a history in the kitchen and really started my ELC journey with cakes. I had a few too many beautiful cakes that tasted awful to realize I could do better. I really honed into the craft of creating delicious, moist, multi-element and well balanced cakes. Its one thing put different elements together, but the true talent speaks in the balance of sweetness and all the mediums working simultaneously in each bite to create a delectable dessert. The ELC name is in direct relation of my desire to truly have my product enjoyed so much that you actually want to eat every last crumb. Through extensive trials and taste testings, each product has to be top-notch in all aspects to be available for purchase.
The tough aspect is making this passion financially sustainable. I explored and attempted many options to take my cake journey to the next steps in making an income for myself and my family.
I came up with a few ideas on what direction to go with the cakes and I was not ready to give up my ELC brand I had created. I decided to add some pantry items to the brand and added a Ready-to-Bake Bran muffin mix, and two flavours of Pancake & Waffle Mix; Birthday Cake & Pumpkin Spice.

The Pancake & Waffle Mix was an immediate hit. Ben and I quickly realized this was the direction our customer demand was going, so we pivoted and focused on this mix and decided to archive our other recipes. We really focused on the easy method of ‘Just Add Water’ while also using real ingredients. I created the first two flavours in August 2023, got into our first two stores at the end of September. We were so proud but then suddenly realized the design for our packaging was not at all eye-catching for store shelves. So I spent the entire next month of October designing and redesigning numerous variations of our label and exploring all our options for packaging. Finally, FINALLY we landed on our current design. In January 2024 we reached 12 stores and June 2024 we surpassed 20 stockist locations.

Our first year in doing our Pancake & Waffle Mix has been a crazy journey. We continually invest all our earnings back into our growth and products to deliver our very tastiest and best efforts in every aspect of ELC. Our future is looking bright and I cannot wait to see where this journey takes me and my family. Thank you for discovering your new favourite pancake & waffle mix. Enjoy, share your pics and allow us to experience this exciting mix with you <3
Much love and gratitude,
– Jordynn