1 free Mystery Bonus Bag included with online shipping!


The warm cinnamon and nutmeg gives you all the Christmas nostalgia in every bite.



S E A S O N A L •  If you’re a fan of this traditional must-have drink then you must try our Eggnog pancakes! The warm cinnamon and nutmeg just gives you all the Christmas nostalgia in every bite. This mix is still proud to be Egg-Free much to the names deception. Only available in stores and online until the end of December.

1 cup mix : 2/3 cup water = 6-8 pancakes

Entire Bag = 20 x 4″-5″ sized Pancakes (size made will vary on total amount)

Directions • Combine water and mix as per ratio recommendations • Mix until just blended Do not over mix • Let stand 10 min (for optimal fluffiness) • Scoop onto preheated griddle or non-stick surface • Flip when bubbles form or when bottom is light golden brown • Serve Warm or freeze and Pop in the toaster when ready to eat • Enjoy

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Pancake & Waffle Mix


Oh my oh my! Our gingerbread friend is back for this holiday season!


Pancake & Waffle Mix


The warm cinnamon and nutmeg gives you all the Christmas nostalgia in every bite.


Pancake & Waffle Mix

Maple Vanilla *GF

For those wanting an elevated but “Go-with-any-topping” mix, Maple Vanilla is your Superhero. It smells incredible and is a perfect blend of Maple and Vanilla.
