1 free Mystery Bonus Bag included with online shipping!


Oh my oh my! Our gingerbread friend is back for this holiday season!



S E A S O N A L • Oh my oh my! Our gingerbread friend is back for this holiday season! This recipe took 13 trial rounds to get the PERFECT blend of a gingerbread cookie, but boy was it worth it!! The savoury and sweet of the traditional gingerbread now in a mix ready for all your holiday brunch’s and gifting needs. Only available in stores and online until the end of December.

1 cup mix : 2/3 cup water = 6-8 pancakes

Entire Bag = 20 x 4″-5″ sized Pancakes (size made will vary on total amount)

Directions • Combine water and mix as per ratio recommendations • Mix until just blended Do not over mix • Let stand 10 min (for optimal fluffiness) • Scoop onto preheated griddle or non-stick surface • Flip when bubbles form or when bottom is light golden brown • Serve Warm or freeze and Pop in the toaster when ready to eat • Enjoy

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Pancake & Waffle Mix


Oh my oh my! Our gingerbread friend is back for this holiday season!


Pancake & Waffle Mix


The warm cinnamon and nutmeg gives you all the Christmas nostalgia in every bite.


Pancake & Waffle Mix

Maple Vanilla *GF

For those wanting an elevated but “Go-with-any-topping” mix, Maple Vanilla is your Superhero. It smells incredible and is a perfect blend of Maple and Vanilla.
